Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Duh. Democrats hate democracy.

Democrats. Ugh. They are a bunch of slimy egotistical scum. Do not worry, I will not hold back.

Many times in my life I have bit my tongue on this subject. I get it ya'll. I do not blame you for casting your ballots in their favor, in fact I regrettably voted for John Kerry in the 2004 elections only to wake up the next day to Howard Stern announcing that Bush had won a second term in office. My skin crawls even now as I think about it.

I am going to be blunt- their jobs dictate that you bleed to furnish their corporate interests with gold leaf. The Democratic Party (will now be referred to by initials DP for comedies sake) leadership in no way represents it bases politics. Many of the hardened cadre of the DP, Obama in particular (that sweet sweet lying King of scum), know how to cloak their interests in language. Language intended to say nothing but suggest everything.

Unlike most who voted for him in 2004, but like a significant minority who may have voted for Ralph Nader in 2000 or came of age for the 2004 presidential elections (It's 18, just in case Rick Perry needed a reminder), I despised John Kerry. Ralph Nader was who I had wanted to vote for but like many other radicals that election year, I swallowed my politics and voted for a pro-war candidate who was somehow "less evil" than George Bush despite their nearly indistinguishable platforms.

A week or so ago, an article appeared on the Socialist Worker website that really caught my eye. The name even made my heart skip a beat 'Just say no to the Democratic Party'. The DP is kinda like a drug, isn't it? Social, peer and parental pressure (or ignorance in most cases) draws them into the DP young. Sometimes the DP can make people feel really good, but mostly the high wears off as soon as they actually take office. But lets be real, drugs are a lot less disappointing than the Democrats.

Many of us remember that "Just say No" campaign started by Nancy Reagan whilst many of us were still in diapers or before existence. Ah, just say no. easy for you to say lady. You live in the Fucking WHITE HOUSE. Thats about as privileged as one gets, dontcha think? Plus- you know, Nance only means the scary illegal drugs, not the 'safe' legal ones like alcohol and prescription drugs. Those drugs NEVER, like, kill people. Right?

Oh! Right. That article. Just say no to the Democratic Party. Its about damned time we say no. Now is when radicals should push it, argue hard against those lying wolves in sheeps clothing that is the graveyard of left wing social movements- the DP. Lucky for us, its easier now than ever to convince people slightly on the fence 'bout the DP.

Unfortunately for the DP, this Occupy movement is emerging and people are beginning to develop critical thinking skills, driving them to really develop a set of politics. Seeds of these politics may have already been laid in peoples minds or they may pick up ideas from the movement. As people develop their own politics, and more importantly reinforce/challenge those politics by developing a long term view of history, they are able to see through the misleading language of Politicians, Capitalists and their promoters in the corporate media. Thing is, without a sustained politically clear alternative to the DP, say like revolutionary socialism, those left without a deeper understanding of why we should dump the DP now and forever, back into the DP apparatus they go.

Occupy, at first proclaiming to be anti-political, has done a lovely job of beggining a much needed education process most of the 99% here in good ol' US of A. We need more. More education, more information sharing, more teach-ins, more power. Without the knowledge of the past, this movement is doomed to be drawn to its grave in the DP. No signs of early death yet, but its happened to stronger movements.

Keep on keepin' occupyin' <3 Camille

duh. occupy.

Ha. I completely forgot I made this blog.

As you are all aware, much has happened since the last post. More is soon to come.

Because, duh. Socialism.